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Urinary Tract Infection

Question: I had UTI symptoms and was prescribed Nitrofurantoin which I took for 7 days. The symptoms still have not completely gone. What should I do? Answer: You should have a urine test done along with urine culture. It seems that you have had a treatment failure and this can be due to antibiotic resistance and other factors. The urine culture will give information about which antibiotic will be effective for your infection. With treatment with a sensitive antibiotic, your infection will be cured and symptoms will resolve.  Stay blessed!
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Oral sex and herpes

Question: I am feeling terrible! For a momentary pleasure now I am suffering so much. I receive oral sex, and now I am plagued with worry that I have been infected with Herpes. What is my risk? Answer: You should relax. Herpes is only very rarely transmitted by oral sex. The possibility of you being infected is very low. You should not worry regarding this episode. Only if you have any concerning symptoms I would recommend testing for herpes. Stay safe!

Anxiety Diet

Question: I suffer from terrible anxiety? Will my anxiety improve with dietary modification? Answer: Anxiety may improve with dietary modification. But for the definitive treatment, you should get therapy or medications. To know the dietary modifications that help please refer the below suggestions: Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits. Half of your plate should consist of vegetables and fruits. Avoid alcohol. Limit caffeine intake. Drink lots of water. Avoid overeating. Eat to live and don't live to eat.  Stay blessed!

Am I depressed?

Question: I am long time sufferer of anxiety. Recently my mood has gone low and I am feeling sad most of the time. I also cry a few times every day. Is it possible that I am suffering from depression as well?  Answer: It is very much likely that you are now having depression as well. Depression and anxiety can occur together. Both conditions have similar treatment and improve with therapy and if required medications. You should consult a psychiatrist or a psychologist. Please do not continue feeling sad. There is effective treatment available.

Social Anxiety And Shyness

Question: I am extremely shy and afraid to go out? What should I do? Answer: It is possible that you are an introvert and this is not due to any underlying condition. However, if this is disabling and preventing you from doing your activities of daily living and achieving your goals you should consult a psychiatrist since it is possible that you are suffering from social anxiety disorder. The treatment of this condition is by behavioral therapy. You should consult a therapist who has experience in Acceptance And Commitment Therapy (ACT). This type of therapy has shown a very good result in treatment of this condition. 

Oral sex: What is the risk?

Question: Dear doctor, I shamelessly committed the sin of oral sex outside of my happy marriage. I am now feeling terribly guilty, but my question to you is regarding the HIV risk for the receiver of oral sex. Answer: There is little to no risk for transmission of HIV when you receive oral sex. The risk is almost 0%. You will not be infected because of this exposure and can relax. Take care!

Confirmatory HIV test

Question: I did a sin and committed a risky act which could have lead to HIV transmission 20 years back. I have since repented and been faithful to my wife. I tested recently with a 4th generation test. It was negative. Can I move on with my life? Answer: Yes, you should. A 4th generation test after 3 months is considered to be accurate. After 20 years you can safely depend on the result. No more testing is required. You are not infected with HIV. Be aware!